Life Won't Wait
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The Full Story the End

In the interests of sharing information...


These tutorials and examples are the end result of my own 'stuffing around with web design'. They are written with web designers in mind and the hope that they will spark some new ideas that will one day find their way back to me. The current tutorials are organised into: HTML, Photoshop and Flash.

Useful Sites

These are sites that I have found interesting and fun or that have given me inspirational kick starts. I have sorted them into the areas of: Webdesign, Flash, Photoshop, 3D and VRML and Fun. I am yet to find any really fun sites with good web design tutorials but I'm sure they are out there.

If you know of any great sites or have a really neat web design technique I'd love to hear about it. Just drop me an email at:




Useful Sites
Email me