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Photoshop: Glass Icons

Glass icons (also affectionately known as Lolly buttons) are relatively simple to create and require only three layers to create the basic effect.

1. The first layer is a grey gradient. I used a foreground colour of 102,102,102 and background colour of 255,255,255 (white) and created a custom gradient with the foreground colour at each end and background in the middle. A circular selection and a linear gradient drawn across the selection at an angle creates the base. Use a bevel and drop shadow to create a slightly more raised look.

2. The second layer is the coloured glass. This is simply a coloured, linear gradient, in this case 'green', that is drawn diagonally across a circular selection. Choose a dark and light green for the two colours in the gradient. (Note: The selection should be smaller that the base)

3. The third layer is the light effect over the gradient which creates a shiny effect. This is done in white using a fairly blurry paintbrush. Paint a short arc around the top edge of the green gradient and then throw a Guassian blur over it. Applying a high blur reduces the shine effect giving a more matte effect.

Layer1 & 2 without
the light effect
Layer1 & 2 with
the light effect applied
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