After much indecision this has turned into a bit of a rant/weblog/diary kind of thing. I figured that sometimes it's best to vent into a harmless environment. Should be interesting...or really concerning.
After a massive blow out on some pretty major coffee on Monday, the rest of the week looks like a bit of a write-off. Finished a shitload of stuff in one day though.
Also, completed a pair of shorts. I finally have a pair of long, solid shorts complete with a chain stripe. Based on a basic (and pretty crappy) pattern, a bit of sweat, some tears, a bit of blood (stupid needles) and lots of hacking they started to take shape really nicely. Surprisingly my sewing skills have come a long way since the Trouser project and these ones fit really well and are mega comfy. Complete with the Ouch logo - stencilled on the arse pocket. Will do a write up one of these days - soon as I forgive my computer and camera for being stupid.
Still listening to the Ramones. This must be a world record for my attention span.
Isn't it interesting that these days: it is social unacceptable to live with your parents passed about 25; manual labour is considered of less value than a desk job; a desk job is considered less valuable than a management position; the Americans are allowed really big guns but no one else is; most new popular culture sucks; capitalism goes hand-in-hand with conservatism; computers can launch missiles but still can't seem to handle printing; we have a society built on oil and are running out at an extreme rate; and with all this running through your head you happen to catch sight of your reflection in a glass door and realise you're just a skinny white guy stuck in the middle of it all. Not surprisingly it was a fuck this, I'm going home early day. The rest of the day was dedicated to making t-shirts and listening to the Ramones.
Does anyone else get the feeling that something has got to give in Western society soon. Everything feels so tense and rigid. Usually shit breaks when that happens.
This article was the main story in the Christchurch Press today: Lucky Joe hits the jackpot. Fair enough, the guy's lucky, he won lotto, can't hold that against him...until I read that he's also considered lucky because he's found shitload's of wallets and stolen the money out of them. What the hell! When did 'lucky' become synonymous with 'thief'? Not only is this guy (and I can understand why he wants to remain anonymous) being heralded as 'lucky' but also 'generous'. Sure, it's easy to be generous when you're not giving away your own money. You have got to ask what dumbass thought this was a good article to put on the front page of a fairly major paper.
In other news, we ate roast spuds last night out of our very own garden. It was excellent. C and I saw School of Rock on Saturday. For some reason we're both in a silly mood at the moment and Jack Black was just the ticket. I rarely sit through a movie laughing so tears stream down my face the whole time. As I'm currently on a Ramones bent the soundtrack was particularly welcome.
Another blistering day. Went out for a bike ride this morning to get to know my new bike. As it was about 10am I slathered on the 15+ sunblock to stop from frying and headed off. Two hours out riding and I'm feeling a bit burnt and certainly looking browner.
I had a friend visiting from Norway a few years back who learned first hand about how dangerous not having ozone is. Used to the Norwegain sun which is pretty gentle really (5+ sunblock) he ignored our warnings and sunbathed with no sunblock at all. One hour lately he was badly burned and needed a cold shower to stop some of the blistering.
If you honestly believe global warming isn't really a problem get your ass down here and sunbath for a few hours. If you're not dead by the end of it you'll be fucking sore. What really pisses me off is that NZ doesn't spit out that much crap so we can't really do much to stop the problem, other than rant and rave at UN meetings about the Kyoto protocol and generally get shitty.
Maybe we'll get lucky and some cloud cover will come in soon. At least it'll feel cooler. Hell, maybe some of the larger countries in the World will wise up.
Well...Happy New Year. Christchurch has had some blistering weather lately and thanks to our lovely hole in the ozone that means stay inside or go crispy.
A nice Xmas and a fun New Years party saw the end of 2003. Finally got a new bike so looking forward to getting out on it. Other than that I need to find some water and find some shade.